Dedicated IP Address: 6 Pros and Cons


By Ann M.



Most VPN companies will advertise this as a benefit that sets their service apart from competitors. What is a dedicated IP address? Why would you choose a VPN with this feature?

A dedicated IP address is an exclusive address mainly linked to a single hosting account. A business hosting account is required to be qualified for a dedicated IP. Since shared hosting accounts share the same server’s IP address, a dedicated IP is not an option.” Internet protocol” is called IP. A website with a dedicated IP address can browse it using that rather than the domain name. Even though the domain name could be accessible, you can still access your account via FTP. Even in heavy traffic, it can keep up the response pace.

The benefits and drawbacks of choosing this setup over a shared hosting server are listed below.

Advantages of Dedicated IP Address

  • Less downtime. The user risks server downtime every time the IP address is refreshed. Even though it lasts relatively little time, it might ruin consumers’ experiences. A dedicated IP address reduces the possibility of an outage.
  • Total control over the server. A dedicated IP gives the user direct server access, giving them a lot of customization choices. The business must possess the required technical expertise to administer the server effectively.
  • Emails sent from a dedicated IP are more private and less likely to be banned. Mail providers place higher faith in emails from dedicated IP addresses than those from shared IP addresses.
  • Secure e-commerce websites need private SSL certificates or TLS to increase security. For instance, many businesses use secure websites to process online credit card payments. Web hosting companies frequently issue shared SSL certificates so that customers can share the SSL of the web host.
  • Accessing company resources securely and quickly is made possible by dedicated IP addresses. Even though the user may access their PC from wherever, regardless of the IP address type they have, a static address is necessary to keep it. If not, when the PC updates its dynamic address, the software won’t be able to locate the user’s machine.
  • FTP server access. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a methodical and safe technique to transfer data from one PC to another and to give access to files inside the company. An FTP site cannot be created without the installation of certain software. A user needs a dedicated IP address to access the server remotely if they want direct access to their website through FTP.

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Disadvantages of a Dedicated IP Address

  • Difficult to find. It’s not always possible to get dedicated IPs from your desired server. If you want to take advantage of this choice, you could be required to migrate your website to a new hosting company. That approach may be time-consuming and expensive for larger websites. The best action is to look for a dedicated IP supplier before beginning the website development process. You’ll be able to obtain this rare and priceless resource that way.
  • Low-volume circumstances do not function well. Once you start going, you’ll need to send about 200,000 emails monthly for a dedicated IP to have a good reputation. It might be challenging to keep up enough history if you’re transmitting less than that for the ISP to view you as a reliable material supplier. It might not be the best time to invest in this asset right now if you’re still small in size.
  • It could function if you are employed. If you use a dedicated IP, you are in charge of whether you succeed or fail. A dedicated IP might work against you if you haven’t invested the necessary resources in the process or aren’t using industry best practices to build your reputation. If you’re not prepared to labor at the necessary volume levels, you could discover that the many available benefits are out of your control.
  • You have to control your volume spikes. Your reputation may suffer if there are increases in the volume of emails sent from your dedicated IP. You must carefully control your loudness while closely watching what is happening. The advantages of having this structure are ultimately defeated since sending multiple emails using a new dedicated IP frequently causes problems with your email service provider.
  • You are compelled to review your volume history. Many internet service providers tend to limit IP addresses without a traffic history. When you initially start using your dedicated ID, reputation requirements are frequently strictly enforced. You must thus progressively establish your reputation as a result. If you can make that kind of investment, many of the benefits of having a dedicated IP will eventually yield financial benefits. A different choice might be a better option if you need to start right away.
  • It is more expensive. A dedicated IP is more costly than the existing shared choices. sts for monitoring and whitelisting are also expensive.

Shared IP vs Dedicated IP

Shared IP address or dynamic IP is shared between the business and other users and all data is delivered through the same server, while a dedicated or fixed IP is unique to the organization using a dedicated server that only handles their traffic.

Some of the main distinctions between a dedicated and shared IP include the following:

  • Complete control over messages. Sharing IP addresses with other reputable senders may improve the user’s reputation; nevertheless, sharing it with spammers might negatively impact them. Dedicated IP users do not have to worry about other domains on their IP that might harm their IP reputation by sending spam emails or engaging in other negative activities.
  • Identification of IP issues: It might be challenging to determine where a problem came from and how to solve it if the same IP address is used for several domains. With a dedicated IP, the business can readily locate the problem’s source and a fix because it can retain its own domain.
  • Email volume and frequency: Shared IPs can be used by both large and low-volume email senders. However, dedicated IPs are only an option for senders that send high and constant amounts of email.
  • Access restrictions: Some more significant internet service providers only permit dedicated IPs, not shared IPs. In certain circumstances, using shared IP addresses may not be advantageous.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Until a domain has a solid track record, users who are just starting to use and build their own are best served and most economical by shared IP. Since the majority of reliable email service providers (ESPs) charge extra, dedicated IPs are more expensive.

Is a dedicated IP the same as a static IP?

Yes. Although the concepts of a static IP address and a dedicated IP address are the same, how they are used varies.

When establishing an internet connection, each user has an IP address. In contrast to a dynamic IP address, which has a finite lifespan and could vary with each connection, a static/dedicated IP address will remain the same whenever the user connects.

Dedicated IP addresses are static IP addresses set up exclusively for a single user or business. You might thus claim that a dedicated IP address is a subtype of a static IP address, even if the term static IP address is more than adequate for use in business.

The terms “public static IP address” and “dedicated IP address” are interchangeable since the use cases for a dedicated IP address need that it be reachable over the public internet (more on that later).

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A corporate cloud VPN is required if you need to employ a dedicated IP address to cover the aforementioned use cases. In this case, your VPN gateway will have a dedicated IP address that is internationally exclusive to your business. You may use this address as a trusted address for the aforementioned uses.

Alternatively, you may construct and operate your infrastructure by purchasing a dedicated IP address from an ISP, but it requires effort and time.

You may use the same IP address consistently while online securely if you have a dedicated IP address. While not your actual IP, this IP address won’t be used by any other VPN users. Not all VPN service providers let you ask for a dedicated IP. When they do, the price will be more than a typical VPN subscription.

Comparing a dedicated IP to a shared IP, there are a number of benefits and downside. A dedicated IP will generally increase your visibility to websites and other parties. If you don’t want to continuously have to authenticate your identity or don’t want websites and services to ban the IP address you’re using, this might be helpful.

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